Michelle Perry

“I originally enrolled my son with Isabel Byers School of Speech and Drama, as I was concerned about my son’s speech and his confidence levels. Having done drama since I was young I knew this could only help. Little did I know how much it would. Six years later, he has not only grown into a young, confident and linguistic genius, but into a budding young actor too. At the Drama eisteddfods he is growing from strength to strength. He also boasts a numerous amount of certificates, for various achievements. Isabel a huge thank you to you and a job well done. Keep up the brilliant work.”

Sid.G.Rule Primary School

“The extra speech and drama classes at our school not only created the love for poetry and literature in our learners.  Our learners have also developed the confidence, poise and eloquence when addressing an audience. Hats off to the speech and drama teachers! We are noticing the difference!”

Zohra Fredericks

“Since both my daughters started speech and drama with Isabel Byers, their confidence has increased but most of all they have excelled academically. They love this extra mural activity and wouldn’t miss it for anything.”